Former research projects
- BMWi project eGon (energy Grid optimization of n flexibilities)
- BMWi project SzenarienDB (Database for climate and energy scenarios: research of scenarios and schowcase extension of the OpenEnergy Database): Datenbank für Klima- und Energieszenarien, Teilvorhaben: Szenarienrecherche und exemplarische Erweiterung der OpenEnergy Database (oedb)
- BMWi project Open_ego (open electricity Grid optimization): Entwicklung eines Netzebenen-übergreifenden Planungsinstruments zur Bestimmung des optimalen Netz- und Speicherausbaus in Deutschland
- BMWi project Open_FRED (open Feed-in time series based on a Renewable Energy Database)
- EU FP7 project CoInvent (Concept Invention Theory)
- DFG-funded SFB/TR 8: Spatial cognition (member)
- R4-[LogoSpace] Constraint-based Reasoning in Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Calculi
- I1-[OntoSpace] Ontologies for Spatial Communication
- I4-[SPIN] Specification for the Integration of Spatial Concepts
- DFG project: The LATIN Project: Logic Atlas and Integrator
- BMBF project: SHIP - Semantic Heterogeneous Integration of Processes
- BMWi project: SATCLOUD - Secure and highly-available Trust contexts for mixed CLOUD scenarios
- BMBF project: FormalSafe: Formal Development for Safe Robotics
- DFG project: ForRBAC: Formal specification and verification of role-based security policies
- DFG project: MULTIPLE (multi-logic systems, heterogeneous specification)
- DFG project: HasCASL (specification of functional programs)